Ill health can impact your ability to earn and to enjoy life. Health insurance offers you a short cut to a choice of treatments, health providers and an opportunity to a quicker recovery and return to earning and playing as soon as possible.

We shop around to find a solution that is the best loan for you, including all the paperwork.

There are several things to consider if you are less than healthy such as: 

How to pay the bills

who will run my business while I recover

how long will work pay?

What is it going to cost me for medical treatment?

There is a range of insurances products to protect you in these circumstances, including:

Health Insurance

Trauma Insurance

Income Protection Insurance

Mortgage Protection Insurance

Do we really need health insurance?

Hopefully not! But, if you are one of the 15% of adults who end up in hospital each year, do you want to have choices as to when you get care and where you are looked after without the worry of how to pay the bills.

I have had the pleasure of dealing with Sean and Elaine for more than five years now with a number of different insurance products - and more recently Kiwisaver. They have made the whole insurance application/claims processes so much (!!) easier than dealing direct with insurance companies and I thoroughly recommend Allsure to anyone wanting an experienced, friendly company to handle their insurance needs.

Marcel Küng

I don't much enjoy dealing with insurance - it can be confusing and thinking about the bad stuff that could happen is pretty grim. But the team at Allsure took the time to understand my business and what was important to me and my family, explained how it all worked and talked through some of the stuff I like to avoid. Because of this I'm confident that if something bad happens, I know my family and I will be looked after.

David Saunders

I would highly recommend Allsure to anyone who is looking for an excellent team to look after everything from Kiwi Saver to health and life insurance. I rate their service as; top notch!!!!

Nathalie Joubert