about us – what you need to know

Licensing Information

Allsure Financial Solutions Limited (FSP683071) holds a  license issued by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice.

Sean Joseph (FSP286545) & Elaine Joseph (FSP443986) are authorised by that license to provide financial advice.
Nature & Scope of Advice

Our financial advisers provide advice in relation to these financial advice products, life insurance, health insurance, KiwiSaver, and mortgage products.

We only provide financial advice about products from certain providers:

For Life insurance:

  • AIA   –  Asteron  –  Chubb  –  Fidelity Life  –  Partners Life

For Health insurance:

  • AIA  –  NIB  –  Partners Life  –  Southern Cross

For KiwiSaver:

  • Generate  –  Booster  –  Milford
For Mortgages:
  • ANZ Bank  –  ASB Bank  –  BNZ Bank  – SBS Bank  –  The Co-Operative Bank  – Westpac Bank   
  • AIA Go Home Loans  –  Avanti Finance  – Liberty Finance – Pepper Money
In providing you with financial insurance advice we consider existing life, trauma, income protection, mortgage protection, household expenses cover and health insurance policies.
We will not provide advice on existing whole of life or endowment products; you will need to consult a specialist if you would like advice on those products.

Allsure Financial Solutions Limited may charge a cancellation fee for the financial advice provided to a client when the clients cancels a life or health insurance policy within two years of inception. This fee could be up to $500.00 incl. GST and is based on hours worked on the policy.  An average policy takes approximately 5 hours of work to complete.  The cancellation fee is payable within 7 days. 

A refundable retainer of $500.00 is charged for financial mortgage advice. This is refunded on settlement of your mortgage. The retainer is valid for 12 months.

The retainer is not refundable if you decided to not proceed with your enquiry after the initial recommendations and application has been submitted or if you change your mind once pre-approved finance has been offered.


A claw back fee of $500.00 incl. GST is payable in the event you pay your mortgage in full or refinance to another lender within 3 years of settlement.  


Should you accept our free Will offer and cancel your insurance policy within two years of inception, the cost of $100.00 will be incurred by you (payable within 7 days) to reimburse the cost of the Will that is incurred by Allsure Financial Solutions Limited.

Conflicts of interest & Incentives

For Life, disability, trauma and health insurance Allsure Financial Solutions limited receives commissions from the insurance companies whose products we give financial advise. If you decide to take out insurance the insurer will pay a commission to your financial adviser. The commission amount is based on the amount of the premium.

For KiwiSaver, Allsure Financial Solutions Limited receives commission from the KiwiSaver provider whose products we give advice. If you decided to contribute to a KiwiSaver the provider will pay a commission to your finanical adviser. The commission amount is based on your account balance.  

For mortgages Allsure Financial Solutions Limited receives commission from the lender that we arrange the mortgage with. If you decide to take out the mortgage the bank will pay a commission to your financial adviser. The amount of commission is based on the mortgage loan amount.

To ensure as finanical advisers we priorities your interests, we follow an advice process that ensures our recommmendations are made based on your goals and circumstances.

We undergo training about how to manage conflicts of interest. We maintain registers of conflicts of interests, and the gifts and incentives we receive. Allsure Financial Solutions Limited monitors these registers and completes an annual review of our compliance programme.

Complaints Handling & Dispute Resolution
If you are not satisfied with our financial advice service, you can make a complaint by emailing

sean@allsure.co.nz  or by calling: 022 108 7981. You can also write to us at: 70 Danbury Drive, Torbay, Auckland, 0632.

When we receive a complaint, we will follow our internal complaints process:

  • We will consider your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it. We may need to contact you to get further information about your complaint.
  • We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we cannot, we will contact you within that time to let you know we need more time to consider your complaint.
  • We will contact you by phone or email to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to.

If we cannot resolve your complaint, or you are not satisfied with the way we propose to do so, you can contact Financial Dispute Resolution Service (FDRS). Financial Dispute Resolution Service provides a free, independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint if we have not been able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction.

You can contact Financial Dispute Resolution Service on 0508 337 337. You can also write to them at: PO Box 2272, Wellington 6011 or visit www.fdrs.org.nz for more information.
Duties Information

Allsure Financial Solutions Limited and anyone who gives financial advice on our behalf, have duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 relating to the way that we give advice.

We are required to:
  • give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps to make sure our advice is not materially influenced by our own interests
  • exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing you with advice
  • meet standards of competence, knowledge and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure that we have the expertise needed to provide you with advice)
  • meet standards of ethical behavior, conduct and client care set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure we treat you as we should and give you suitable advice).

This is only a summary of the duties that we have. More information is available by contacting us, or by visiting the Financial Markets Authority website at https://www.fma.govt.nz

You can contact:
Sean Joseph

Financial Adviser – Insurance – FSP286545 at:

  • Unit D1/253 Dairy Flats Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Albany, 0632
  • Tel: 022 108 7981
  • E: Sean@allsure.co.nz
Elaine Joseph

Financial Adviser – Mortgages – FSP443986 at:

  • Unit D1/253 Dairy Flats Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Albany, 0632
  • Tel: 021 273 9211
  • E: Elaine@allsure.co.nz